Before I start I feel like I need to apologise - I've completely neglected my blogging over Summer! This season has been the most amazing whirlwind... however finding any spare time within it all was just not doable.
So, instead of focusing on the 'WHERE HAS MY TIME GONE?!' fact, let's focus on the good news! You all have 25 weddings & pre wedding shoots to look forward to seeing over the next few months! Yes I'm going to blog THEM ALL!
But I'm going to mix them up a bit, and today I'm starting in Autumn for Natasha & Bobby's pre wedding shoot in Buttermere only last month! FYI you're going to love me for starting with this one, not only do they have just the cutest dog, (which I might try to steal!) but it was just the most amazing Autumnal day anyone could have asked for, with some stunning sunshine showing what the Lake District is really made of!
I hope you love these two, (or should I say three), as much as I do... and who knows, I might just take us back to Spring for our next blog!
