Adrian & Stephanie got married officially a few months ago in Mexico with only a few close family and friends, but decided to also have a wedding reception back in the UK so that all of their relations and friends could come and join in the celebrations.
The whole evening was just so wonderfully fun to be part of and as always The Halston looked amazing all set up. With a hint to Stephanie's original wedding colours, their wedding video playing around the venue AND the fact it was a rare hot day in Carlisle, you could have mistaken it for their actual wedding day in Mexico... minus the beach, sea, and the holiday views.
I'm so pleased I got to be part of their UK big day, and find out more about the couple - apparently when they first met Adrian had an outrageous pick-up line... however they didn't let me in on the secret of what it was, so I'll leave you all guessing on that one! Maybe one day I'll find it out!
I wish them all the luck and love in the world in their marriage.
...and incase you're wondering, the amazing cake was from Jo at the Cutie Pie Cake Company and makeup Lauren Amy Makeup!
