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+ Dan 


A countryside wedding filled with laughter and so much fun!

21 April 2023


Their Wedding Story

I’ve been SO EXCITED to show you all Katy & Dan’s wedding preview from Friday! These two seriously brought the vibes and I don’t think I’ve smiled and laughed so much in one day, let alone both Katy & Dan! I don’t think the smiles left their faces for one second… apart from Katy shocking everyone by shedding a few tears coming down the aisle. I was very well warned that Dan would be the one to cry and Katy wasn’t going to at all, but when that moment hits who knows how you’ll react!


We started the morning with Dan being a little nervous, whereas Katy was the opposite just LOVING LIFE TikToking her way through the morning and singing plenty of Taylor Swift songs… can anyone guess one of her favourite artists??


Once the happy tears dried up post ceremony the party certainly began with plenty of drinks flowing and Bracken their beautiful little dog joining for some photographs (you have to keep an eye out for those ones!!!) Once sat down everyone settled in for their wedding breakfast, but to all the guests surprise singing waiters had been booked and lifted everyone back up with a conga line that travelled around the courtyard! 


I left the evening while the dancefloor was still full and everyone having so much fun. It’s so easy to see why Katy and Dan work perfectly together, even though Katy’s brother could have put a stop to them ever dating!!! Dan is Katy’s brother’s best friend… Dan asked his permission if he was allowed to take Katy out on a date! Now just imagine if his answer was different, however luckily he happily agreed and it was certainly one of the best decisions of all of their lives!


I’d love to wish both Katy & Dan the happiest of lives together, however once you see their photographs and their smiles, I think you’ll agree they have so much fun and so many adventures to come together!


Here’s to the new Mr & Mrs!


Suppliers to love:

Venue: Healey Barn

Flowers: Healey Flowers

Cakes: Ivory Cake Company

Dress: The Wedding Dress Company

Makeup: Lauren Vincent Makeup

Hair: Kerry Mann, House of Hair

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